Jul 22

Total Access Detective 2007 Is Shipping

Microsoft AccessMicrosoft Access Database and Object Comparison ProductTotal Access Detective for Microsoft AccessFind Differences Between Microsoft Access Objects and Databases

Total Access Detective makes it easy to find differences between any two Microsoft Access databases or objects. Know exactly what changed with your properties, fields, indexes, controls, sections, macro lines, VBA module code, and data! Find new, deleted, and modified records. You can even merge data from two tables into a new one.

New features in Version 12 include support for Access 2007 and the new ACCDB database format with multi-value fields, data comparison between two queries, enhanced data comparison options, improved support for ADP comparisons, ignoring case between modules, a more modern user interface, and much more!

Version 11.7, is also available as a new version for Microsoft Access 2003.

Jul 15

Total Visual Agent 2007 is Shipping

Total Visual Agent is the system administration tool for professionally maintaining your Microsoft Access databases. Our seventh major release, Total Visual Agent 2007 is now shipping with full support for Access 2007 including the Access 2007 ACCDB database format. It incorporates many new features including improved support of Windows NT Service options, ADPs, and a more modern user interface.

Microsoft Access Jet Databases (MDB and ACCDB formats) need to be periodically compacted and repaired for optimal performance. You also need to make regular backups or multiple backups for disaster recovery. Schedule these database chores, manage entire folders or disk drives, and ensure tasks are executed consistently and audited. If something goes wrong, Total Visual Agent can actually send you an email. You can also schedule your own tasks such as running a macro in a database, which can perform all sorts of work such as printing reports, downloads, file transfers, and other processes you want on a regular basis. Tasks can be run monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, or just one time. Schedule your tasks and confidently know they’ll be executed according to your plan.

Jul 13

Update of Total Access Admin 2007 Released

Total Access Admin offers real-time monitoring of users entering and exiting any Microsoft Access database across your network. An update of Total Access Admin 2007 was recently released. All registered customers were notified of the update via email with download instructions. A free trial version is available if you are not familiar with Total Access Admin.

Jun 24

FMS Offers Custom Microsoft SQL Server Database Consulting Services

Consulting Services for Microsoft SQL Server As you may know, our Professional Solutions Group offers custom Microsoft ASP.NET solutions, but we are also known for providing Microsoft SQL Server consulting services for a variety of clients in the private and public sectors.

We encourage you to read more about our SQL Server database development services. Please contact us for a free assessment of your organization’s requirements.

Jun 10

FMS Offers Custom Microsoft ASP.NET Website Development Services

Consulting Services for Microsoft ASP.NET Over the past year our Professional Solutions Group has delivered some notable ASP.NET web projects, including The HotMommas Project, a case study competition website for women entrepreneurs that has received a lot of press, and a competency and courseware management system for the DoD’s Defense Acquisition University.

We encourage you to read more about our ASP.NET web development services. If you need a quality website, we have an experienced group of business consultants, web developers and database experts that would love to help. Please contact us for a free assessment of your organization’s requirements.

Jun 10

Video: Migrating Your Data Tier to SQL Server: Strategies for Survival

I participated on this panel at the Microsoft TechEd Conference to explore Panel Discussion on Migrating Data to SQL Serverthe different reasons and approaches for migrating applications to Microsoft SQL Server. In addition to moving the data to SQL Server, ideas are presented for transforming applications to offer additional features while maintaining budgets. (43 minutes)

Jun 10

Video on the History of FMS: Surviving Uncertain Times

Video: Surviving Uncertain Times: History of FMSAt the Microsoft TechEd conference. Microsoft’s Mary Chipman conducted a one-on-one interview about the history of FMS and how we’ve survived the economic and technical cycles over our 23 years of existence. Learn more about FMS, our successes and challenges over the years and today. (28 minutes)

Jun 03

Video: The World Turned Upside Down: Development Strategies for Lean Times

Worried about your job or career?  Uncertain about what to do to protect your future? 

Watch this video from my panel discussion at the Microsoft TechEd Conference. Hear me share my experiences at FMS with fiver other developers, and different ways we’ve survived over our careers. Entitled The World Turned Upside Down: Development Strategies for Lean Times, the video is 51 minutes.

May 22

Video: Let’s Talk about Software Consulting as a Business

Here's the video from my panel discussion at the Microsoft TechEd Conference. Taped on May 11th at the Los Angeles Convention Center, hear me share my experiences at FMS with two fellow software consulting firm entrepreneurs. Learn from our efforts over the past two decades, the challenges we face, and how we've been successful. Entitled Let's Talk about Software Consulting as a Business, the video is 54 minutes.