Discover more about Telephone Call Data Records Analysis

What valuable information can you get out of huge amounts of telephone call records?
The US government is trying to collect all the telephone call data records (CDR) for US and international phone calls though its PRISM program. Does having this information constitute snooping? Is it an invasion of privacy? Or can it really help investigators track, find, and thwart threats?
Does it Matter with So Much Data?
With billions of phone calls, how could anyone possibly find anything of value amid all the innocent, unrelated calls? No one can possibly gain significant insight looking at an Excel spreadsheet or a database showing rows and columns of all those calls. Isn’t it just noise?
How Sentinel Visualizer Analyzes Call Data Records
Without advanced analytics software, the data is overwhelming. Our commercial Sentinel Visualizer program from our Advanced Systems Group provides a platform to gain insight into the massive number of phone calls. It’s about managing large amounts of data, seeing the relationships between entities (phone numbers and people), drilling down where necessary, and filtering based on time, geography, and relationships:
- Call detail records are imported into the Sentinel Visualizer database (SQL Server)
- Link Analysis Networks can be used to visually see the calls made by any phone number
- Multiple levels of phone calls can be linked to identify groups of phones related to each other (cells of activity)
- Geospatial Mapping and integration with Google Earth to see calls across the world
- Social Network Analysis (SNA) to identify related phones (cells) and spanners between cells
- Temporal Analysis can be used to filter data to specific time ranges
- If information exists for known individuals and their phone number(s), related phones can be quickly identified as warranting additional investigation
- Link Traversal Analysis can be performed between two phone numbers to show all the phones related to them through multiple levels, and quickly filter out the unrelated calls to identify the “community of interest”
- Numerous reporting and exporting options: print diagrams and customized reports, or export them in image, PDF, Word, Excel.
Learn more here.
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